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5 Best AI Image Extenders You Should Try (Tested)

Summary: This post tests and shares the top 5 AI image extenders that creatively expand pictures using artificial intelligence.

best ai image extenders to try

Have you ever used a photo as your Twitter banner only to find that it blurred and pixelated, showing up part of the image? That occurs when your image dimension does not meet the requirements of the size dimension. However, you do not know the requirements and won’t notice and follow the size and dimension when taking a picture using a camera or a phone.

Thankfully, you can say goodbye to that embarrassing and annoying situation because the AI image extender can expand your image to the desired size and dimension by outpainting it based on analyzing the image content.

In this post, we’ll test and discover the best 5 AI image extenders using the same example. We’ll cover all costs, fees, speed, dimension options, and outpainting capabilities. Let’s get started.

What is an AI Image Extender

An AI image extender is an online AI-powered tool that helps change the image size and dimension by outpainting the image. Usually, once uploaded successfully, the tool itself will instantly analyze the image content and inpaint and extend the image after you have chosen the desired size and dimension. The inpainted part will generally be harmonious with the uploaded image content.

A good AI image extender should cover image analysis, outpainting capability, speed, and diverse image dimension options. Based on these standards, we’ll explore the top 5 AI image extenders available.

Best 5 AI Image Extenders to Try

Before sharing the results of the final five best AI image extenders, let’s see the example image below. In this test, I’ll use the beautiful AI-generated image (the original ratio is 1:1 )to extend the background to the desired ratio (3:4).

sample image for AI expansion

I chose this image because it is composed in a unique photorealistic 3D style, perfect for its lights, flowing hair, and glowing sea. Most importantly, it focuses on the portrait while showing the landscape with a bokeh effect as if it were a photo shot by the camera.

1. AI Ease

AI Ease, famous for providing free AI-powered tools, realeses its new AI image extender, allowing its fans and users to extend image background without any cost. Integrated with the well-trained outpainting technology, it processes the results with remarkable scenes.

Firstly, AI Ease offers a diverse dimension options, including commen size, popular social media ratios, and a custom option.Secondly, it’s a 100% free AI image extender to use. Next, let’s test its speed and effects. You can adjust the placement of uploded original image, and zoom in-and-out the image for image expansion.

Below are the results of using AI Ease to expand my picture to 3:4. Nearly, it works fast to show the results in about 10 seconds, and the results are reasonably perfect based my input content image.

image extended by AI Ease

By default, the HD download feature is free, and it sets no limits to expand picture for free. Thus, it is a perfect tool that you can use to expand image for free.

2. YouCam

As one of the high ranking AI image extender on search results, YouCam Online Editor works smoothly to expand the image background. Generally, there are a wide variety of aspect ratio to choose from, including the popular sizes for social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, etc.

Meanwhile, it offers a number of generation options, allowing multiple results to be generated when using YouCam’s AI image extender. The output number varies from single one image to 6 as the maximum.

It requires sign-up to get 5 credits to use this Pro feature, costing 2 credits per generation. To some degree, it is free as you can use this image expander twice. And the speed is perfect, and the results are great, too.

Exporting the extended image supports three file formats (JPG, PNG, and TIFI) and three quality options (High, Medium, and Low).

image extended by YouCam

3. Pixelcut

Compared to AI Ease and YouCam, Pixelcutprovides an AI image extender with fewer “Aspect Ratio” options. It only offers the “Orignal,” “Freedon,” “Square,” and several popular options. There is no option to cover those social media platform photo size dimensions.

It is a FREE AI image extender, as I have used this tool to outpaint my image for several times and it does not ask me to pay for it. And the speed and result quality are also good. All in all, it is a great free tool for people who want to use this tool to have fun.

image extended by Pixelcut

4. Phot.AI

Photo.AI provides a simple but powerful AI image extender, as it sets an easy interface while ouputing amazing results. Generally, it offers only 5 options of the ratios, and it seems that you are encouraged to have your wanted aspect ratio. Plus, it gives you the best suggestion for different image types and usage devices.

It allows users to adjust the placement and position to take control of the image, offering more flexibility for expansion and outpainting. It works fast and produces nice output. This tool is free to use and download. But for the “HD Download,” you have to pay for it.

image extended by

5. Vmake AI

Vmake AI gives an easy and simple user interface as Pixelcut, offering limited preset aspect ratios to choose from. It only gives several popular options to expand images. By the way, this tool requires a sign-up to get 5 free credits to use. Each generation costs one credit. Compared to some other AI image expanders, it generates five results, providing more options to download and use.

It only takes a few seconds to get the output generation. And when switching the result, you need to wait for about 2 or 3 seconds to preview. And the final results are generally harmounious with the original content.

image extended by Vmake AI

Testing Results of 5 AI Image Extenders

Below I have listed a column with the results using the 5 AI image extenders introduced above. By comparsion, you see the detailed difference of their capability of analysis, outpaint, and process. From the composition to the color, each tool varies from each other. But they all work perfect and meet the requirements of general usages.

AI EaseYouCamPixelcutPhot.AIVmake AI
result image from AI Ease image extenderresult image from youcam image extenderresult image from pixelcut image extenderresult image from image extenderresult image from vmake image extender


In this blog, we have tested and explored the five best AI image extenders. You can pick your favorite tool to expand your product photo, social media visual, and any other images to the wanted aspect ratio. Each tool has its own advantages, from the fee to the output quality. Use them now and discover the endless possibilties of AI outpainting.

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