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Free AI Album Cover Generator

Create unique and stylish album covers with our AI album cover maker. Enter specific text and watch as AI Ease generates AI album covers that reflect your music taste and aesthetic preferences. Get started for FREE!

generate four ai album cover images in different styles with ai ease free ai album cover maker
enter text prompts to generate a rock band music album cover

Create Impressive AI Album Covers From Text

Have you already recorded a complete soundtrack but found its album cover missing? No painting a digital cover on canvas; all you need is an AI album cover generator. Type in words to clarify your unique music concepts and the information you want to convey. Our AI image generator will interpret your input text and produce a stunning cover in seconds. For a more precise result, enter specific and detailed prompts. Or specify the music genre to randomly generate an album cover that may amaze you.

Array of Album Covers in Various Styles

Our AI album cover generator trains algorithms on vast datasets of online image resources. It can generate a wide range of styles of album covers, from photographs to illustrations, abstract art to minimalist, you can find one that wins your heart. Choose a cover style based on your song genre and theme. You can either use photographs containing your actual human face or cartoon illustrations to cover your music album. Feel free to pick a premade style or specify a certain style to your liking by text.

generate four album cover images in diverse styles with ai album cover generator
display a wellmade album cover image on spotify and other music platforms

Display Well-Made Album Covers on Spotify

Your music is raw and ready to share with the world. When posting a new album on Spotify, SoundCloud, Apple Music, and iTunes, you need a visually striking cover to draw the listeners in. Album covers are not just a visual material, but also an indispensable part of an excellent music experience. Designing a beautiful album cover can also help rank higher and receive increased likes and listening rates. After generating a stunning result, export it in high quality and upload it as the cover of your newly released album.

AI-Generated Album Covers for Diverse Music Genres

Album covers serve as vital visual media to captivate potential listeners on music platforms. Thanks to our AI album art generator, you can now design appealing cover art from simple text. Get inspired with the AI-generated album covers on diverse music genres; design one cover that represents your music aesthetics now!

a black cat in cartoon style


rock band live


a sexy lady singing


an artist statue


a janpanese manga girl


a man bowing the head


a countryside window covered by flowers


a black man touching brim of his hat


How to Generate Album Covers With AI?

enter prompts in textbox

Step 1: Enter Text Prompts

First, enter prompts in the textbox to describe the theme and what elements you want to include in the album cover.

choose a manga style

Step 2: Choose a Style

Next, choose a style for the AI-generated album cover image, such as a realistic iPhone, cubist art, cute cartoon, or a minimalist design.

generate a manga girl image as album cover

Step 3: Download & Share

Seconds later, AI Ease will generate an album cover picture. Preview and export it in high resolution for versatile uses.

Explore More Free AI Features

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