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Free AI Hairstyle Changer

Change hairstyles in photos with the help of AI to try various hairstyles that suit you best. Upload, and let AI Ease’s free hairstyle changer work magic and give you a natural and realistic look.

AI Ease App Store Download
several ai hairstyles from AI Ease free hairstyle changer
change femake hairstyle into the long tsraight hair using AI Ease free hairstyle changer

Instantly Try Hairstyle with Photorealistic Results

AI Ease allows everyone of all levels to effortlessly change and try on hairstyles in seconds. Once uploaded successfully, our hairstyle generator will automatically detect your hair area and respond to apply and change it to the style and color you choose, ensuring the most natural and real visual effect.

Two Modes to Change Your Hairstyles with AI

To meet diverse needs on the hairstyles, AI Ease offers you two modes to personalize your hairstyles: “Default” and “Custom”. The former one is for people who just want to try on some popular hairstyles, and the later one is for “Bespoke” effects via text prompts.

choose from AI hairstyle templates and change hairstyle into wavy bob haircut in AI Ease

Try On Popular Hairstyle

Preset with different hairstyle templates, AI Ease offers more than 20+ hairstyles to choose from. From buzz cuts to dreadlocks, we’ll get you covered.

generate and change male hairstyle from text prompts using AI Ease free hairstyle generator

Personalize Hairstyle to Your Liking

Inbuilt with advanced “Image Inpainting” technology, AI Ease allows everyone to bring their dreaming hairstyles into reality via text prompts in seconds.

Experience AI Hairstyles to Find Out Best Haircut

As haircuts matter a lot and decide your look to some degree, it’s essential to preview and discover your brand new and perfect hairstyle before getting a haircut at the barber’s. Use AI Ease’s free online haircut simulator to generate the hairstyles that always make you look the best or get a bald one you always want to try in the photos. Get the hairstyles that match you most with the help of AI, and show it to the barber to get your haircut done!

Customize and Improve Your Hairstyle and Color

AI Ease provides diverse hairstyles and hair colors to try on in your photos. Utilize our free hairstyle changer without limitations to customize and unveil what haircuts fit your face with AI. Pick up the hairstyle you like, and dye your hair color with endless possibilities in your photos until you find your most satisfying one. Share pictures of your new haircuts made using AI Ease’s free AI hairstyle generator with your families and friends.

Popular AI Hairstyles for Men and Women

To accommodate the diverse needs of men and women regarding haircuts, AI Ease offers multiple options for hairstyles, including long and short, straight and curly, etc. In AI Ease’s free online AI hairstyle changer, you can try long hair, buzz cut, dreadlocks, etc.

change male and female hairstyle and hair color using AI Ease hairtyle changer online

How to Change Hairstyle with AI

upload image to AI Ease free hairstyle changer

Step 1: Upload Image

Upload your photo if you want to change your hairstyle with AI.

choose the male AI hairstyle template and hair color

Step 2: Customize Hairstyle and Color

Choose from our AI hairstyles, and pick the hair color you want to try. Or choose “Custom” Mode to describe your preferred hairstyle.

download the hairstyle changed image

Step 3: Generate and Share

Then, our AI hairstyle generator will change your hairstyle. Once you are satisfied with it, download and share it.

More Free AI Tools from AI Ease

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? You can email, and we’ll be happy to help you.

Yes, absolutely free. AI Ease offers you a 100% free hairstyle simulator to try one hairstyle in photos for free and sets no limitations for use.

Yes, it is safe. Our hairstyle changer won’t store, leak, or use your images for illegal things. AI Ease prioritizes our valuable users’ privacy. And we offer the “My History” option in your account to manage your generated images.

Yes, you can. AI Ease offers various hairstyles for men and women to try on popular and fashionable hairstyles and colors for free.

Yes, you can use our AI hairstyle changer on your mobile phones in the Safari, Chrome, or any browser. And soon we will launch AI hairstyle app for both iOS and Android users to experience AI hairstyle generator.

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